What to Expect After a Root Canal

Root canals are a surgical procedure that removes the infected tooth. This is a very effective procedure in saving the tooth. It’s painless, quick, and it preserves the tooth’s integrity. This can prevent other complications such as jaw swelling or sensitivity. A dentist who has received advanced training in this field performs the procedure. Root canal therapy is also an option to treat pain caused by an infected tooth. Root canal therapy saves millions of teeth each year.

To ensure you receive proper care, you should visit your dentist at least once every six months. The doctor will take X-rays to check for infection. After the anesthesia wears off the doctor will replace the temporary filling by a permanent one. Permanent crowns may be placed over the tooth. It is important not to chew on the filling during this period. This is to prevent the tooth from being broken. The whole healing process takes approximately two to four weeks.

Root canals can take between one to three hours. The procedure usually takes several hours. You can continue to eat soft foods until your numbness disappears. You can start adding solid foods gradually to your diet once you feel more comfortable. You should not bite the treated tooth. Instead, chew on the opposite side of your mouth. Sometimes, local anesthesia is enough to drive you home. It is possible that you will need someone to drive your car home.

You will need to visit a regular dentist after a root canal. To check for infection, the dentist will take Xrays and replace the temporary filling with a permanent one. In some cases, your dentist might place a permanent crown on your tooth. These crowns are made of porcelain or gold and have a very natural look. Your mouth will adjust to the crown over time, so it may take several weeks to get used to it.

To minimize infection, it is important to avoid eating for at least a few hours after a root canal. For several days your mouth will feel sore. It’s best to not bite your tongue or chew on your cheeks for at least a couple of days. You should avoid sneezing or gnawing your tongue to prevent further damage. A root canal is the end of a tooth and it should not be chewed.

To prevent infection, regular checkups should be done every six months. Your dentist can use X-rays to detect a root canal. It will take approximately two hours to complete the treatment. The wound may take up to several days to heal fully. The area will need to be anesthetized for several hours. You should not eat for pain-related reasons.

The root canal will be performed in your dental practice. The technician will accompany you to the treatment area and assist you in getting into a comfortable chair. The technician will wrap a bib around your neck to protect you from any blood. The dentist will then apply numbing medication to the gums surrounding the affected teeth. Next, your dentist will inject local anesthetics into your gums. It may cause a slight burning or pinching sensation but this is temporary and won’t hurt.

You must be careful after your root canal. After your root canal, you should not eat for at least a few hours. For a few hours, you should not chew on your tongue or cheeks. If you bite down on your tooth, it can cause damage. The gums will help keep your tooth healthy. You must also ensure that your tooth is free from any other health conditions. If you have a toothache, consult your dentist immediately.

After a root-canal procedure, follow your dentist’s instructions. For several hours, you should not chew on the treated tooth. Also, you should avoid touching your tongue and cheeks. You should keep your mouth clean for a few days. It is important that you schedule regular appointments with your dentist to determine if you require a new root canal. If you have an infection, your dentist might recommend an endodontist.